Power of Words defines how, when and where to use your words to define your saying. It plays a major role in one's life as it can create you or completely destroy you for what you say and how you say it.
"Wounds can be healed with time, but the damage done by unkind words will always hurt"
Communication acts as a bridge that connects you with the surrounding people every day. The words you use have the power to influence and shape another person's thoughts. The words become a part of who you are and shape how you experience the world.
People with negative words will always be negative but people with positive words can do wonders in their life.
You must have noticed yourself or even people say that they want something but you rarely make your wants actually happen. It is like you are waiting for your desires to magically happen one day where it gives you no power to control the outcome. On the other hand, if you stay positive and say that "You are happy", it changes your mindset by inviting positive things and affirmations that enable you to become happy. This defines who you are and what you are capable of.
When you consciously transform your speech patterns with active and powerful words, you tend to create an affirmed positive behavior of emotions to yourself and the people around you.
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